NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

Motor Vehicle Regulations

SBU's Motor Vehicle Regulations

General Information

  1. 在SBU的财产上操作和停放机动车辆是一种特权 授予大学的学生、教职员工和嘉宾.
  2. SBU保留制定和执行规则的权利,这些规则被认为是在 best interests of the University.
  3. 大学有权拒绝、暂停或撤销机动车特权.
  4. 大学不承担任何安全,照顾或保护任何人的责任 vehicle parked or operated on campus.
  5. 所有机动车辆规例均须365天、每天24小时执行 per year.
  6. 机动车辆包括但不限于任何形式的交通工具 use of a motor. Motorized wheelchairs are not included in this category.
  7. 如有特殊泊车安排,须事先向本部门办理 safety and security to avoid tickets.
  8. 熟悉这些规则是司机的责任.
  9. 所有车辆运行或停放在大学物业必须显示当前的SBU parking permit.

Permit Information

  1. 大学社区的每个成员谁在校园经营车辆是必需的 去安全部门登记那辆车. It is the personal 业主有责任通知安全部门的任何 以本人名义登记的车辆需要改正的.
  2. 登记了车辆并不能保证有方便的停车位 for the individual will be provided. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
  3. 许可证丢失或被盗应向安全部门报告.
  4. Parking permits are free.
  5. 许可证是注册人的责任,应在注册前取消许可证 出售车辆或终止学生在大学的注册. Permits are nontransferable to any other person.
  6. 许可证应显示在车辆后窗的驾驶侧. A permit 可能显示在前驾驶侧挡风玻璃,如果车辆有有色的窗户.

Classes of Permits

  • 教职员工(紫色)-允许在保留的教职员工停车位停车
  • 通勤车(灰色)-允许在所有普通停车场和通勤车停车 parking lot
  • 校内(白色)-允许在所有非预留停车位停车
  • 临时许可证-根据需要发给正式许可证持有人、访客或客人 in special conditions
  • 访客-发给经常出入校园的人,但不是学生或员工 of the University
  • 健康会员许可证可从迈耶健康中心办公室获得 Wellness Center members.

General Regulations

  1. 车辆在任何时候都应该以谨慎和小心的方式操作.
  2. The speed limit on campus streets is 20 m.p.h. All parking lots are 5 m.p.h.
  3. Pedestrians shall be given the right of way at all times.
  4. Resident hall lots are open to all permits from 6 a.m. - 2 a.m. each day. Resident hall lots are reserved for residents between 2 a.m. - 6 a.m.
  5. All faculty/staff and housekeeping spaces are reserved from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
  6. 梅比教堂通勤停车场从早上6点起为通勤许可证保留.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
  7. 维修和驻地主任停车位每天24小时保留,7 days per week, and are strictly enforced.
  8. All vehicles must park in marked parking spaces.
  9. 任何车辆不得在人行道或草地上行驶或停放.
  10. 车辆不得发出响亮、令人讨厌或不合理的噪音或音乐. Violators may be ticketed for repeated violations.
  11. 学生将有一周的宽限期来注册他们的 vehicles at the beginning of the fall semester.
  12. 使用辱骂性、争论性或威胁性语言的学生 按照本条例履行职责的保安员 是否会被转交给学生生活办公室进行纪律处分.

Violations and Fines

罚款将被张贴到车辆最后登记的人,无论是否如此 person owns the vehicle. 罚款可在销售处的出纳处缴纳 Center.

Permit Violations

  • No current permit displayed - $30
  • Failure to register - $30
  • Use of counterfeit or falsified permit - $30
  • Use of stolen or falsely obtained permit - $50

Parking Violations

  • Parking in reserved space - $30
  • Parking in restricted lot - $30
  • Parking in a grassy or unmarked area - $30
  • Double parking/obstructing traffic - $30
  • Parking in fire lane - $50
  • 在残疾人车位停车,没有残疾人吊牌或车牌- $50
  • Fraudulent use of disabled space - $50

Moving Violations

  • Careless and imprudent driving - $30
  • Speeding - $30
  • Failure to stop at stop sign - $30
  • Moving barricades/going beyond limits of barricades - $30
  • 在街道或道路以外的地方驾驶车辆- $30

Miscellaneous Violations

  • 损毁或丢弃机票(除原始机票外)- $30
  • Excessive noise - $30

违反停车或许可证规定的车辆可在24小时内收到一张罚单; provided the vehicle is not moved.


  1. 如果学生认为对罚单的抗议是合理的,可以上诉 完整的解释可以提交给安全与安保部门在 Hammons Building.
  2. 所有上诉必须在被罚款后10个工作日内提交. 10天后将不接受上诉,收费将是最终的.
  3. 所有机票申诉均由学生机票申诉委员会审查. Ruling of this committee is final and no further appeals will be accepted.
  4. 找不到合法停车位不能作为违规的借口 of these regulations.

Bicycle Regulations

自行车停放不当24小时可能会被扣押. Bicycles parked 在学术大楼合法连续学习两周将被考虑 abandoned and may be impounded. (Note: Locking devices may be cut and removed as necessary during impounding.被扣押的自行车可认领并释放,罚款10美元.00. 每年9月1日前未认领的自行车将被丢弃.

  1. There are to be no wheeled vehicles in the academic buildings. This includes skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, unicycles and bicycles.
  2. Bicycles shall yield the right of way to pedestrians at all times.
  3. 自行车应停放在提供的自行车架内或紧挨着自行车架. 自行车不得停放在草地、人行道和教学楼内. Bikes may be stored in a dorm room.
  4. 除了指定的自行车架外,自行车不得固定在任何其他财产上.

Safety Tips

  • Vehicles and bicycles should be locked when on campus.
  • Do not leave valuables in open places inside vehicles.
  • 发生在学校财产上的任何犯罪行为都应报告给学校管理部门 safety and security as soon as possible.

Contact Information

有关汽车或自行车法规的更多信息,请联系 the department of safety and security at 520 W. Aldrich Rd., Bolivar MO 65613, (417) 328-1556 or

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